Joint Travel Regulations Changes

Changes to the JTR are published to DTMO's Policy & Regulations RSS feed.

TitleDescriptionEffective Date
CTD for CAP 61-24(I), Clarify Authorized Travel Time Rules for Civilian PDTThis item corrects Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) Table 5-72, Rule 5, for civilian employees who drive an alternative fuel privately owned vehicle to the new permanent duty station (PDS) and require additional time to travel. The authorized travel time is the actual distance traveled or actual travel time used to the new PDS. Effective September 1, 2024.9/1/2024
UTD for MAP 60-24(I), Multiple Temporary Lodging Expense RecertificationsThis item extends the temporary lodging expense (TLE) recertification dates for the Atlantic City, NJ (NJ196), Palmdale/Edwards AFB, CA (CA457), and Moody AFB, GA (GA081) Military Housing Area. The initiating local command documented and certified the continued existence of a housing shortage. Effective August 27, 2024.8/27/2024
UTD/CTD for MAP-CAP 59-24(I), Update Tour Lengths and Tours of Duty OCONUS for Powidz, Poznan, and Zagan, PolandThis item updates the Joint Travel Regulations Supplement, Tour Lengths and Tours of Duty Outside of the Continental United States (OCONUS) for locations in Powidz, Poznan, and Zagan, Poland. Military and civilian personnel are authorized to serve a 24 month accompanied tour in Poznan with adult dependents 18 years and older. Military personnel are authorized to serve a 12 month unaccompanied tour and civilian personnel are authorized to serve a 24 month unaccompanied tour. Powidz and Zagan lack the infrastructure to support accompanied tours, so military personnel are authorized to serve a 12 month unaccompanied tour and civilian personnel are authorized to serve a 24 month unaccompanied tour.8/19/2024
UTD for MAP 58-24(I), Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE) Recertification – Bath, ME (ME136)This item extends the TLE extension recertification dates for the Bath, ME (ME136) Military Housing Area. The initiating local command documented and certified the continued existence of a housing shortage. Effective August 15, 2024.8/15/2024
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 56-24(I), Clarify Laundry Reimbursement is not Authorized In CONUS”This item clarifies that laundry reimbursement is not authorized within CONUS. Laundry and dry-cleaning expenses are a personal expense and are not reimbursable as part of per diem, AEA, or a miscellaneous reimbursable expense within CONUS. Effective immediately.8/5/2024
UTD-CTD for MAP/CAP 45-24(I), Additional Clarifications for Disrupted TravelThis item provides additional clarification for travelers that have disrupted, cancelled, changed, and missed transportation arrangements. Effective when published in the JTR.8/1/2024
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 48-24(I), Clarification for POV Constructed Cost ComparisonsThis item clarifies that when a traveler chooses to use a Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) for TDY travel, it is considered a personal choice and is never a standard or directed mode. It also clarifies that a constructed travel worksheet (CTW) such as the DTMO’s CTW or a similar locally-approved form is required when a POV is used unless the directed/authorized mode was an available Government automobile. The AO must review the CTW to consider both cost and other factors when determining if POV use is advantageous to the Government. Effective August 1, 2024.8/1/2024
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 53-24(I), Miscellaneous CorrectionsThis item corrects miscellaneous minor grammatical errors and corrects language in the Joint Travel Regulations. Effective August 1, 2024.8/1/2024
UTD-CTD for MAP-CAP 49-24(I), Clarify When Government Quarters may be DirectedThis item clarifies that Service members and civilian employees may be directed to use Government contracted or owned lodging when assigned to a contingency operation or operational deployment or performing duty under similar conditions. Effective immediately.7/19/2024
UTD for MAP 37-24(I), Clarify Eligibility Requirements for Non-Emergency Specialty CareThis item clarifies that a patient may be eligible for travel allowances if the qualifications as specified in health care programs established and administered by the Military Health System are met for travel reimbursement. Effective when published in the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR).7/1/2024
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