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Temporary Lodging Allowance

Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) is intended to partially pay a Service member for higher than normal expenses incurred by a member or dependent while occupying temporary lodging OCONUS. TLA is available when it is necessary for a Service member or dependent to occupy temporary lodging upon arrival at or immediately before leaving a permanent duty station (PDS) OCONUS, or during other periods as specified in the DoD FMR, Volume 7A, Chapter 68, para. 6804.

Personal inconvenience to a Service member or dependent is never a determining factor for the authorization of TLA. TLA is not intended, and must not be used, for the personal enrichment of a Service member, including authorization or approval of TLA Special.


Title 37 U.S. Code §405 contains the authority to pay per diems for OCONUS locations. The DoD FMR, Volume 7A, Chapter 68 contains the regulations exercising this authority for DoD Service members. Garrison (Installation) Commanders are responsible for publishing local guidelines and appointing a responsible officer to administer TLA for their location.

TLA may be authorized during any of the following periods:

  • Upon initial arrival or reporting at a PDS OCONUS either while waiting for Government quarters or while completing arrangements for other private-sector housing when Government quarters are not available;
  • Immediately preceding departure for a permanent change of station (PCS) from a PDS OCONUS after a Service member vacates Government quarters or private-sector housing in connection with a PCS order;
  • When the appropriate official determines that TLA is necessary for a Service member, once he or she is established in, must vacate, or is waiting to reoccupy permanent Government quarters, private-sector housing, or privatized housing for reasons beyond the Service member’s control. The appropriate official must base the determination on the OCONUS TLA Authority’s written guidance;
  • While a Service member without a dependent is seeking permanent Government quarters or private-sector housing following a TDY assignment of 90 or more days when he or she vacated permanent Government quarters or private-sector housing before beginning the TDY;
  • During a Service member’s hospitalization when a dependent must use temporary lodging OCONUS because the Service member was hospitalized en route between PDSs;
  • While house hunting after the Service member arrives at the new PDS and reports for duty in connection with a PCS.

Upon initial arrival at an OCONUS PDS, the TLA period begins on the same date that COLA eligibility begins. An advance may be paid for the number of authorized TLA days, after authority is provided, based on the appropriate directive issued as specified in the OCONUS TLA Authority’s guidance.

Members are required to seek permanent housing as soon as possible after arrival. At the end of the first TLA period, the designated overseas commander has the member's case reviewed to determine the progress being made toward obtaining permanent housing. If the member's efforts appear deficient, the member is reminded of responsibilities in the matter. Unexcused failure to comply with the diligent search requirement is cause to terminate TLA.

For more information, see the DoD FMR, Volume 7A, Chapter 68 at paragraphs 6804 through 6806.

TLA computations vary depending on the number of personnel authorized TLA as well as many other variables. TLA computation examples can help calculate TLA for common scenarios.

Percentages for the computation of Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) are listed in Table 68-11 of the DoD FMR, Volume 7A, Chapter 68. The most up to date calculation percentages are listed below:

Table 68-11. Daily M&IE and Lodging Percentages

Effective prior to 1 October 2020:

Number of Eligible Persons Occupying Temporary Lodging Percentage
1 Service member or one dependent (total one person) 65
2 Service member and one dependent, or two dependents (total 2 persons) 100
3 Each additional dependent age 12 and older 35
4 Each additional dependent under age 12 25

Effective 1 October 2020:

Number of Eligible Persons Occupying Temporary Lodging Lodging Percentage M&IE Percentage
1 Service member or one dependent (total one person) 100 65
2 Service member couples (total two persons - percentage each when lodging together) 65 65
3 Service member and one dependent, or two dependents (total two persons – percentage together) 100 100
4 Each additional dependent age 12 and older 35 35
5 Each additional dependent under age 12 25 25

Authorization Required Before Travel

A TLA Special (TLA-S) authorization must be approved before the dates of anticipated travel and must be submitted through the Service member’s chain of command. A TLA-S may only be approved at the OUSD P-R, Directorate of Military Compensation Policy level. Under no circumstances may TLA-S be authorized retroactively.

TLA-S may be authorized under special or unusual circumstances where a higher lodging factor may be used to determine the rate of TLA, which may exceed the normal TLA calculation.

When lodging costs escalate due to a special event and TLA is insufficient for lodging, a TLA-S rate may be warranted for a specific period and only on a case-by-case basis.

Organizations are expected to take appropriate disciplinary action when TLA is provided for inappropriate reasons.