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Frequently Asked Questions

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FAQ | May 6, 2024

Sustainable Travel

In most cases if a POV or rental vehicle was used for TDY, those would be the most appropriate modes to use in and around the TDY location. However, public transportation may be used if available and advantageous.

Public transit should be used for local travel if it is available and advantageous. If public transit is not available, then other transportation methods may be authorized.

The traveler must consider refueling time when a ZEV is selected as the rental vehicle. See JTR Table 2-8, rule 4 for criteria that may allow reimbursement for refueling costs charged by the rental vehicle vendor when a rental vehicle cannot be refueled (recharged) prior to returning it. If the traveler misses their flight, they are responsible for notifying the TMC and AO.

Safety is a factor for the AO to consider in all travel.

If public transportation is not available, then other transportation methods may be authorized.

Electricity (charging) is considered fuel as defined in Appendix A of the JTR. Therefore, refueling charges for ZEVs would be claimed as “Rental Car - Fuel” the same way fuel for a gasoline rental vehicle would be claimed.

No, an AO may never direct use of a POV.

POV can no longer be the "standard mode" since it is not automatically considered advantageous for distances of 400 miles or less one-way or 800 miles round trip. If POV is used, it would be compared to a rental vehicle since rail would not be a viable option. If there are rental vehicle vendors in the PDS local area, mileage to pick up the rental vehicle would be treated as terminal mileage.

If the directed or standard mode of transportation is air, rail, or rental vehicle, the TDY Travel mileage rate will be claimed by the member regardless of the reason for POV use. The CTW will allow the AO to determine the least expensive mode and limit POV to the directed/standard mode if POV is more costly.

If a GOV is directed and available but is not used by another traveler on the same trip, POV mileage is claimed as the "other" rate by selecting "Mileage Expenses > Private Vehicle - GOV Auth & Avail" from the Expenses screen in DTS. However, if the GOV was used by another traveler on the same TDY trip, there is no entitlement to mileage for POV use.

The traveler will receive the “other” mileage rate unless another traveler on the same trip used the GOV, then no reimbursement for POV is allowed.

If the authorization was approved before March 1, 2024 and the trip is less than 400 miles one-way or 800 miles round trip then a CTW is not required. In all other cases a CTW is required, failure to include it and perform the cost comparison may be considered an improper payment.

If the traveler uses the directed mode, no CTW is required (POV can never be directed).

Mileage for a POV is the same rate regardless of vehicle type, therefore a CTW is required for any POV regardless vehicle type.

The AO has the final decision but must consider the CTW and other factors. The AO cannot direct a POV and a CTW is required if the traveler elects to use their POV. Note, the AO cannot default to POV being advantageous to the Government.

For a trip 250 miles or less, rail is preferred when available. If rail is not available, then rental vehicle is the preferred mode. If the traveler elects to use their POV, then a CTW would be submitted reflecting rental vehicle’s cost so the AO can determine the mode that is advantageous to the Government.

If a rental vehicle is the AO directed mode, then no, a CTW is not required. If another mode of transportation was directed but the traveler’s elected mode is a rental vehicle, then yes, a CTW is required to reflect the cost of the directed mode.

If the distance to the TDY location is greater than 250 miles, then travel by air is the preferred mode and rail would not be the preferred mode. If the traveler elects to drive their POV, then a CTW must be completed to show the air transportation costs for the AO to compare to the POV.

No, contacting the TMC directly is not required. Selecting rail in DTS will create a TMC assistance request within DTS and will send that request to the TMC once the authorization is signed so the TMC can book rail reservations.

For the purpose of completing the CTW, rail costs will be obtained from the rail booking website such as There are no government fares for Amtrak fares and since government discounts are limited. The lowest cost coach-class train fare would be documented in the CTW.